In an ecoponics system, a wide variety of living creatures must be integrated in order to create a healthy, sustainable and functioning ecosystem. The interplay between the individual participants is highly complex and undesirable interactions, i.e. reciprocal effects, have hardly been researched so far. Keyword: biosphere.
Here are some examples of the composition of such a system.
- Salads (e.g. lettuce, romaine lettuce)
- tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Paprika
- Herbs (e.g. basil, mint, coriander)
- Leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach, chard, rocket)
Practically all plants can be grown in this system. Species that cannot be grown in hydroponics or are difficult to grow can be grown in the soil or in so-called hydroponic pots.
- Strawberries
- Melons
- Berries (e.g. raspberries, blackberries)
Flowers and ornamental plants
- Marigolds
- Lavender
- Rosen
Nitrifying bacteria
- Nitrosomonas: Convert ammonia into nitrite.
- Nitrobacter: Convert nitrite into nitrate, which is used by plants as a nutrient.
Mycorrhizal fungi
These promote root growth and nutrient uptake by plants.
These promote root growth and nutrient uptake by plants.
Beneficial organisms and soil organisms
- Worms (e.g. earthworms) support composting and improve soil structure.
- Ladybugs: Eat aphids.
- Lacewings: Fight pests such as aphids and mites.
- Nematodes: Control soil-borne pests.
- Predatory mites: Controls spider mites and thrips.
- Woodlice: Provide nutrient-rich droppings.
- Springtails: food source for other aquatic creatures.
- Snails (eat all dead material, some species even eat kitchen waste, e.g. ramshorn snail).
- Bees, such as honey bees and bumblebees, pollinate flowering plants and promote fruit formation.
- Butterflies
Parallel beekeeping or at least a beehive is a natural option in this system.
- Red compost worms (Eisenia fetida) help decompose organic waste and produce nutrient-rich worm compost.
Small creatures in the water
- Water fleas (Daphnia) help clean the water and control algae growth.
- Amphipods (e.g. Gammarus or amphipods / class Malacostraca, etc.), decompose organic material and contribute to water purification.
Integrating these creatures into an ecoponics system creates a healthy, balanced ecosystem that contributes to plant health, controls pests, and supports nutrient cycling.
Image: Public Domain: https://www.flickr.com/photos/51896441@N04/32513567001
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