What are sprouts?
Sprouts are the first stage in the development of seeds. Most seeds are very healthy at this stage. Sprouting grains, nuts, beans, and seeds has been a common practice in places like East Asia and Europe for literally thousands of years. In fact, various forms of soaking, germinating, and fermenting seeds were part of almost every culture in one way or another.
Important : Some sprouts are difficult to digest raw or may even contain toxins . Some toxins ( solanine ) are not destroyed even by intense heating (boiling, frying, etc.). More about it here. Consumer protection even advises against consumption for certain population groups. Quote : The results show that there are microbiological risks when consuming fresh sprouts and seedlings. In particular, consumers with weakened immune systems (e.g. children, seniors, pregnant women) should generally avoid consuming fresh sprouts and seedlings. Read the entire article from the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection . |
Sprouts can easily be grown at home. All you need is water, the seeds and a germination container. There are different cultivation methods to grow the seeds successfully. For non-slimy seeds, germination devices or a germination jar are best suited. For slimy seeds, you should use a cress sieve or combine fleece paper and a germination device. Non-slime-forming seeds need to be watered thoroughly one to four times a day. The slime-forming seeds, on the other hand, may only be sprayed with water once a day. These are not suitable for the germination jar!
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